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Automate Workflow & Increase Visibility

Published On December 15, 2021     |     5 Min Read

Medical Manufacturing equipment Dreamzcmms

Managing a long list of equipment for manufacturing and it’s maintenance activities manually using a paper-based system poses significant challenges for the company’s growth.


The company faced several challenges due to the use of paper based manual processes to maintain assets register and maintain their equipment in manufacturing. 

Some of the challenges are excessive time consumption, longer turn-around-time from reporting issues to fixing it and untimely breakdowns halting production. 

The company used to record maintenance work orders manually on paper-based tickets. Paper-based systems lead to increased repetition and redundant works, which in turn leads to longer repair and maintenance times of the equipment and therefore reduces productivity.


The company ran a 14-Day Trial where they understood the value of a CMMS System. And they updated their maintenance process to match with DreamzCMMS and saw drastic improvements and benefits from it. 

After implementing DreamzCMMS and Mobile App, with a little and basic training. It was just the DO’s and DON’Ts to learn and they were fully functional within a couple of weeks. DreamzCMMS Implementation Team also helped them in creating their Asset Register in the system.

Transition from Paper-based process to DreamzCMMS

Initially the company started with simple works. The corresponding Work Orders are assigned to technicians. This helped in getting the technicians accustomed with the process quickly and adapted the system with ease. In a couple of weeks they planned all the routine work on the scheduler. Technicians started using the app and accepted work orders on calendar date and processed it.

This activity built a database of brief historical data as a base to make effective maintenance plans and setup condition-based maintenance events such as which equipment to set up for weekly, biweekly and monthly routine checks. 

Efficiency Work Order Handling of Manufacturing Equipment

The company started every maintenance task through work orders. Work Order includes assigned tasks, tagging equipment, multiple tasks with due dates. They used to set all planned activities such as routine calibration, checkups, and warranty services on calendar date.

Every one engaged in maintenance operations can keep track of maintenance activities. And that is real time with alerts and notifications on the mobile app. Work order status changes were immediately communicated to the maintenance team, creating a better cohesion between the multiple teams.

Ease of Performing Maintenance Activities of Manufacturing equipment

After work orders are assignment, the technicians can view the work orders and corresponding details on the DreamzCMMS Mobile App. Scanning printed labels (RFID, QR and Barcode)  on assets lets the technicians view the details of maintenance history logs. Utilizing the maintenance history, the technicians are now able to respond to issues with a shorter turn-around time. It reduces the time that takes to repair and maintain the assets.

Anyone in the company can now create a maintenance request and lodge their requests for change, problem, general request. As part of the new incident management process, service requesters can oversee the whole lifecycle of their requests, from beginning to end . The requests will be assigned to the technicians as work orders. 

As a result, a significant increase in service requests and problem identification in various assets is observed. It allows the management to focus on operational weaknesses caused by inadequate asset functionality.


Business Benefits Achieved

Global players rely on DreamzCMMS to run their Asset Management & Maintenance Operations

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