IoT Based Conditioned Maintenance

The use of IoT sensors to perform maintenance on assets has increased in recent years. Previously manual intervention was needed for condition-based monitoring. Technicians used to monitor and inspect assets by recording meter readings and checking their conditions manually. Using the recorded information, a maintenance work order used to be created to initiate maintenance activities.

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The manual process of equipment monitoring is very much prone to error and lacks real-time visibility into asset conditions. Implementing IoT sensors helps streamline maintenance activities in the most cost-effective manner. IoT sensors installed on equipment provide real-time visibility into the health of equipment and send alerts whenever the set threshold values are exceeded. This leads to automatic work order generation for the maintenance of the equipment and helps in automation of the entire maintenance process, thus reducing unplanned downtime and saving time and money.

How maintenance based activities are carried out in DreamzCMMS with IoT implementation

The implementation of IoT in DreamzCMMS involves the stages given below:

Identify Assets

At this stage, the critical equipment which requires maintenance are identified. Generally, these equipment are the ones which directly affect the production and their downtime can have impact on the company financials.

Capture Data

After identification of the crucial equipment, it is necessary to determine the parameters based on which the data needs to be captured. Temperature, pressure, vibrations, humidity, movement are some of the examples of parameters that may need to be monitored.

Once the parameters are identified, next step is to determine the threshold values. For example, if parameter is the temperature of the equipment, then the highest and the lowest temperatures represent the threshold within which the equipment must be operated.

Install IoT Sensors

Based on the parameters identified in the previous stage, the necessary IoT sensors need to be procured and installed. The basic criteria for the selection of IoT sensors are:

  • Sensor that operates at a level within the threshold value and provide real-time readings.
  • IoT Sensor Cost Effectiveness – The cost of the sensor should be affordable and economical.
  • Sensor should be compatible with the equipment to capture accurate and real-time data.

Onboard IoT Sensors

Once the right IoT sensors are procured, they must be onboarded into the system. Steps to complete onboarding:

  • Installing the right IoT Sensors on the right equipment.
  • Adding IoT sensors to the system.
  • Pairing an IoT sensor to the appropriate equipment in the system.

Set up Conditions for Data Collection & Work Order Creation

This is the last step of implementing condition-based maintenance with IoT sensors. At this stage, a condition is created containing :

  • Parameters.
  • Threshold values.
  • Interval for monitoring.

Rules are set up within the IoT platform to define the threshold-based conditions. Based on the received parameter values from the Sensors, the rules generate Maintenance work order to initiate the process of maintenance automatically.

DreamzCMMS helps organizations to achieve operational efficiency through condition-based monitoring and maintenance, enabled through its IoT platform.

Benefits of Condition-Based Maintenance with IoT using DreamzCMMS

Forecasting equipment failures & reducing maintenance hours, increases production.
Monitoring the health of equipment in real-time allows for better asset utilization.
Continuous monitoring reduces the risk of equipment downtime.
Identifying the failures in time leads to a decrease in maintenance expenses & an increase in ROI(return on investment).

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